Monday, July 28, 2008

The Start

So, I haven't really figured out how I'm going to do this, but hopefully, it'll get easier as I start moving along.

I'm not a person who sticks to consistency, so updates will be few and far apart.
I think this blog thing might be fun, given that I've already tried to make one and failed because of how I never updated.. I just kind of gave up.. Hopefully, this won't be the case here.

This might get a bit long so buckle up:

So maybe I should start with a little about my day, and a little about myself first, shall we? Well, if you didn't know already, my name's Anna, and I live in San Jose, in the "state that's always sunny." Lovely. I'm an incoming Junior at Independence High School and STILL have not done any of my AP homework except read The Strange Case of Dr. Jeckyll and Mr. Hyde. Which, by the way, is the most hardest book to comprehend in the history of mankind; maybe I'm exaggerating just a little, or not. My interest span across a lot of things, but mainly in the field of art, but seeing how I'm an asian-american, my parents think of me to be a super genius and expect me to go to college at Stanford and get a Ph.D and become a doctor who earns like ten billion dollars a year. Yeah.. not happening.

Actually, on the note of future jobs and such, I'd love to be a freelance artist, but seeing as how I'm not very good at that, I'd love to be a kindergarten teacher or a musician. If all else fails, I could become a math teacher because, as everyone knows, all asians are good at math; well, the majority. But, my parents don't agree with me becoming an artist anyways, they're so strict when it comes to studies I feel like the only path I have is the path to becoming a doctor. Sometimes it feels like all the pressure is on me, the oldest child. The one who's almost always the "trophy" child.

My hobbies include drawing, playing the violin and piano, watching anime, and recently I've begun to take up sewing. They're all fun, and let me get in touch with the more creative side of myself. I'm currently learning how to play guitar and have.. one chord memorized. Which is not much I must admit, but alas, I do not own my own guitar, so it will have to do. I'm also learning Japanese. I've gotten probably about.. 60 characters memorized and about 86 left to go. Not bad I guess.

Okay, so that was mostly the complicated part of me. Lets get down to the simple facts that make up who I am. I was born at the Regional Medical Center of San Jose at around.. 4 pm on October 9, 1992. I was born prematurely and was a very sick little baby. I must say, that is a chockful of info right there. I am the oldest of three children and I have a younger sister and a younger brother, both respectively one and two years apart from me. I'm a happy-go-lucky person--when I want to be. I could be moody and dark all the time, but I choose not to, because the world already has enough people moping around as it is. It's time to change it for the better. I guess. I'm a "glass-half-empty" person though. That part of my perspective will never change.

Oh well. Before I start writing a whole novel or autobiography or whatver, I think I'll cut it short and call it a day. And hopefully, this will not be the last you've heard of me.