Sunday, May 10, 2009

Susie, Susie, Susie

Sooo.. you guys are probably wondering why I haven't been posting so much? I've been really busy with school, swimming, carnival stuff, etc. It's been a really busy weekend, and.. It was really fun, I guess. I spent.. a lot of time with Susie, I guess? So, short breakdown...

Friday! I went to first period, and immediately after that I headed to the pool for swim finals. Dude, tons of schools were there! It was awesome. I skipped periods two to seven. I was at the pool the WHOLE DAY. Even though I only swam the first and the last event. I mean.. I could have gone to my classes, but... man, who wants to go to class when you're excused for the whole damn day? NOT ME! It was great! I was kind of sad because some swimmers were doing the AP U.S. History test and they were gone for the morning. Yeah... But, after they came, it was more enjoyable, there was actually someone to talk to at all times, so I wasn't that bored. The whole day, I kept being really nervous about my events... Well, I only had about half an hour to worry about my 200 Free, but I had about.. six hours to worry about my 100 Breaststroke. My mom came to watch, and she was almost there for the entire day! It made me so happy that my mom was actually there to support me. Because she was there, my breaststroke dropped by nine seconds! It was awesome to have her support there, although she wasn't there to watch me.. Yeah.. Susie.. was really nice to me that day. It really made me happy, but at the same time.. it made me question what his real feelings were. Is he just playing with me..? I don't know. At the end of the meet, Eddie gave me a ride home. It was really funny, 'cause I didn't want his mom to actually drive into the little roads, so she just dropped me off near Sierra and I just jaywalked across to my street.

Saturday! I woke up early because I had to get to the meet by 9:00 A.M. The meet started at about 10:00 A.M. and we needed time to warm-up. The morning was a bit slow, but it was quite enjoyable. Everybody was there and because of swim finals, I think I've bonded with a lot of swimmers. But... the thing is, bonding for a couple days.. if we don't ever talk again.. there's no point. I really do love the people on the swim team and I would be sad if we never talked again. So, my mom came again, yay! But my aunt came with my cousin for swim lessons. So she came to watch for a bit. After that, I just sat with the swimmers, listening to music, playing DS, etc. It was fun. The first event I swam in was the 200 Medley Relay. I swam Breaststroke, but our team wasn't very fast.. It made me sad, kinda. I hope that I can improve so that I won't be the person dragging our team relay down. So, after that, I thought I'd be waiting around the whole day until my 200 Free relay because I didn't make my individual events, but.. oh my.. Kristen, our coach, came to tell me that I'd be swimming in Heat 2 Lane 4 of 100 Breaststroke.. OH MY GOD. What happened?! Apparently, one person dropped out, and so the alternatives were up to swim in the event but.. THEY WEREN'T THERE EITHER. So, I was the one after that.. and obviously, I was the alternative. I was totally not prepared for that, so I was really nervous and anxious, but just like yesterday, I dealt with it. I actually gained four seconds.. which means I'm not a very consistent swimmer. I knew that already, though. At the end of the meet, I found out that Girls Varsity ranked second! We probably only lost to Prospect because.. Prospect had a diving team. What the heck, right? I mean, it's not even fair because they get points for diving.. most schools don't have a diving team...

After the swim meet, our team headed towards the carnival to hang out. I met with Julie for a bit, and after Brandon and Kevin came, we left and headed to Jamo's house. After that, May's mom came to pick us up and we headed to Red Robins. I... that burger was so huge... The fry refills.. Yeah, after that, we walked around Eastridge, and I bought a top from Forever 21. Haha, while we walked to and from stores, or just walking in general around the mall, a couple times, Susie would walk next to me! I mean.. I don't know if he even noticed it.. but it made me a bit giddy. After that, I headed home, and I went home with Eddie, Travis, Justin, and some other dudes. Eddie dropped off Travis and the dudes at Hikido, and after that, I was dropped off almost exactly across the street from my home street. Like yesterday, I jaywalked and was home!

Sunday.. today... was fun. I woke up around 11:30 A.M. and went to get ready to go to my school carnival. Today, we planned to do face painting for kids who were attending the carnival. I was the first swimmer there! When I first set up with Vicky, Caroline, Kristen, and Ben.. a little girl and her dad came and the little girl wanted to get a tiger on her face.. She chose May's design.. and May wasn't here to paint. So I was thinking.. "Oh my god, I'm going to mess up.. Oh my god, the little girl is going to cry.." but it actually turned out okay! It looked really cute, and I was happy that she liked it. I painted on a lot of little kid's and swimmers' faces. One little boy asked for an elephant tatoo, and it was just the cutest thing ever! I put a wet towel over his arm, and after that I told him to count to 30. Obviously, I counted with him, but it.. was so adorable! The most unexpected request for face painting was.. Patrick Star from Spongebob. After hearing that.. I was like.. How am I going to draw that..? The kid seemed happy though. And the whole day I snuck glances at Susie. I hoped he didn't notice..? Maybe? Yeah. At the end of the day, we kept tatooing each other with Vicky's tatoos. I have a couple. Haha, overall, it was a really fun day.

I came home, and did some stuff, showered, and now, I'm at my cousin's house, typing away on my little cousin's laptop which he let me borrow for a bit. He's so adorable. He has the "asian" haircut.. I'll find a picture later. He's so adorable! I guess that's it for now, until next time! The best part about this weekend was I got to see Susie Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Some of you more keen people probably can figure out who he is by now.. but, keep it a secret okay? It's a secret between the two of us! Maybe one day he'll read this and figure it out, but that time isn't now, so Hah.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's all I can say, er rather 'express!