Saturday, October 4, 2008

Spirit of Japantown

Hah, so today, I went to downtown San Jose to do some community service because there was going to be like.. a festival? I guess in Japantown. It's more of a thing to promote the area though.. I woke up around eight o'clock and then I got my mom to drive me there at nine. It was cool, because the roads around the area were blockaded.. I met up with my friend Jimmy, and then we went to go sign in. First, we were at a beverage booth, but in the end, we were helping out a Japanese Market called Nijiya Market. The manager, Kazu, was really nice, and let us have a free obento during our break!

So, me and Jimmy were working a table with Edomae and Akiake Sunori, and there were also obento boxes on display outside, with drinks. I.. smiled a lot at people passing by, and I think that's what got people to go into the store! I would like.. smile at someone from across the street and they would just start walking towards the market..

Amazingly enough.. remember that guy I talked about a couple blogs back? The one who came up to me and asked if I was Simca from Air Gear? Well, as he was walking by with his friends, I smiled like normal, but like.. It was hilarious because for some reason, he still kind of remembered me, but he didn't know from where. He thought I was smiling because I knew him like personally or something. I didn't say anything because I wasn't quite sure, so like, I just let him go, but when he came back a second time with his friends, I was brave enough to ask if he had seen a Simca at a Great Mall.

He remembered me then! It was like a lightbulb had flashed and all of a sudden we just hit it off. It was really cool to meet him again.

Oh, also, I was sitting at the table, and it was around lunch time because Jimmy went to go pick out his obento, but I was watching the table, and these guys walk into the store. One stops to comment and say, "Hi, how are you?" to which I reply, "Good." After that, he told me, "You have a beautiful smile!" I laughed and said thanks. It was really refreshing to know someone actually thought I looked pretty smiling! I smiled for the WHOLE day while I was at the table.. It was fun though, and my cheeks don't hurt.

It was around five o'clock, Misako, a transfer student staying with Jimmy, came with Jimmy's dad and so did Willy, my friend from History. We chatted and Willy stayed till we had to clock out to save our community service hours.

I called home so my mom could pick me and Willy up because he didn't have a ride. It didn't help that she was already bitching at me for the past week, but I totally forgot where she dropped me off in the morning, and she waited for me while I waited for her for like an hour, and then when she found me, she started yelling at me. Calling me stuff like.. "Stupid" and stuff.. It was embarrassing to say the least, and I really just wanted to say, "Fuck you." Now, don't get me wrong, I don't swear at all, but that's just how mad I felt. She was totally unreasonable, and degrading me on the street.. I understand she's my mother and all, but she really needs to give me some more respect. I'm not just some little kid who has to rely on her all the time anymore.

If I could I would run away from home or something, I know I could get a job easy with my smarts, but she just really pisses me off these days.. Whatever, as soon as I go to college I'm never coming home. I'll be living the college life, and she can't say a damn thing. Not one.

All right, well, I'm sure you don't want to here me go on and on ranting, so I guess I'll end on a happy note. I did learn some more Japanese phrases, and I picked up some from Kazu, the store manager.

I had fun, and I really want to buy a yukata and go to a real Japanese festival next year. Perhaps I'll go to the Obon festival, which happens in July.. Till next time! I can't wait for my birthday by the way, it's next week!

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