Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Ah, we've all been through this before. Putting off our work till the very last minute, and then rushing to get it done as soon as possible because the assignment/project was due the next day. Last Sunday, I've been putting off The Scarlet Letter Study Guide and Dialectical Journals for the book and well.. lets just say.. that day, I only got thirty minutes of sleep, and I didn't even finish. I know the power of procrastination has struck a lot of people, but why do we do it?

We might do it simply because we are lazy. It's natural that we are lazy, and we would also rather have more fun than stay home sitting in front of a desk doing paper work. I for one, am a person who would rather live in the "now" than think ahead 10 years into my life. I think that the future will come and no matter what, I'll just go with the flow. Now, some people may think that it's very irresponsible of me to think this, because if I don't plan ahead, a lot of things may not "fall into place" like I might want it to, but for me, I think I have the skills to maneuver my way through it.

I should actually get started to apply for a chance to win a scholarship to Japan this summer.. I believe my friend told me the deadline was December.. Ahh, so much to do, and so little time to do it.. As a Junior, I find myself having so much more work than I'm used to, and it doesn't help that I'm confused in a lot of my classes. I find myself taking on a lot of responsibilities, it's no wonder that I just want to wind down and relax once I get home from water polo practice..

In other news, today, our team played against Mount Pleasant and we won! It was a really close game, and by the last quarter we were somehow tied, but we managed to break it and keep the lead till the end. It was a really nerve-wracking game! I'll write more on this later, but for now, I'm going to head to bed and get some much needed sleep.

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