Wednesday, February 4, 2009

J and S

Yes, yes, it's another blog from me. Wow, two in one week, aren't you guys lucky? Enough of that, I was going to post this yesterday, but SAT classes went until 9:00 P.M. and by the time I got home, finished my homework, and ate, I was dead tired, and it was 12:30 A.M. I hate losing my sleep time for anything so you can imagine how irritated I was this morning.

So, yesterday I was at NHS to see what our year community service activity would be, and after the meeting was over, Julie and I talked.. about stuff. So, y'all remember the guy I liked? I don't think I ever mentioned a name.. We'll call him Joanna. Well, recently, I haven't been talking to Joanna, but I still kind of like him--I think. I dunno, I guess I've been influenced by all my other terrible relationships, I just don't care about it anymore. So yeah, I dunno if I like Joanna or not. BUT Julie does. And I absolutely think it's terrific. Honestly.

You see, Susie--remember him?--doesn't really notice Julie.. either that, or he knows she likes him and doesn't want to face that fact. Yeah, so I think it's great that Julie's finally found someone that she can actually talk to. I think Joanna's a really cool person. He's actually really outgoing and fun to be around, but at the same time, he's really considerate and takes into account someone's feelings during a conversation. He's not overbearing at all, and I can totally see why Julie is starting to like him. It's great that she's finally moved on from Susie, I hope. She's such a sweet girl, and I can't imagine someone being so blatantly unaware of her feelings..

Basically, that was all I was going to share, but today, my psychology class discussed a very interesting topic. The topic we talked about was Emotions. Basically, how we express it, why we express it, and what happens when it is being expressed. All really interesting stuff. Our teacher, Mr. Sprague, started going off on a tangent about a new show on Fox, Lie to Me, and it seems pretty interesting. I'm going to have to check it out sometime.

Do YOU know when someone's lying to you? Also, are you in control of your emotions? Are your emotions controlling your decisions? Ah, very tough questions. Take a minute or two to ponder it, seriously. Behind every reason, there is at least one emotion that had made that reasoning possible. Why? Because it's just they way things are. Emotion and reason are so inextricable that even if someone were to tear the two apart, the halves would lose meaning all in itself. It's quite an interesting concept and leads to much, much more questions.

Also, lightly touching on MPD (Multiple Personality Disorder) since we are on the topic of Psychology anyways. What's it like.. to be housing multiple personalities? I think only the person who actually has multiple personalities can answer, but it's very intriguing. Because the core personality feels like there is too much danger or too much stress, another personality will pull the core personality under and "take over" the body. Usually, a person does not know they have MPD unless they are diagnosed by a psychologist, and even then they could be accused of lying. There is so much more to MPD than this, and I might go over it in another blog for another day. I must get back to my homework for tonight.

Alright, since that is all of what I have to say for today, I'm done. Maybe next time, I'll actually include something interesting to you guys, and not just me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I finally remembered your Blog URL. You'll hear from me often commenting!