Monday, February 2, 2009

Priorities, straight?

It's been a while since I've written. Kind of. So, last time, I wrote about Finals and so just a quick update on that, I have all A's except for my 2 AP classes, which include my Calculus AB class and English 3AP class--I have a B+ in those classes. Anyways, recently, in English we've been talking about the American Dream and.. when you actually define it.. it.. it's pretty complicated, and our class barely scratches the surface on some of the questions he's made us answer. We have to do a project on this.. Oh dear..

Oh! I managed to finish The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn! Two nights before it was due, I started on my Dialecticals, and boy am I SO glad I did. I never would've been able to finish if I didn't do that.. I also started to work on my Study Guide that night, and in the end, I finished it. I pulled an all-nighter, but it was alright because it was a Friday, and that made me pretty happy. I'm so glad I actually finished this reading assignment; unlike The Scarlet Letter which I totally left half-assed. Not like I didn't half-ass Huck Finn either.. but.. yeah.

For anime, I've started watching Kateikyoushi Hitman Reborn. It's super good, and I might actually start reading the manga after I finish watching the anime! Haha, that just tells you how good it is. ;3 I've also started playing Dream of Mirror Online--DoMO for short--and it's a really fun game. For now, I'm only interested in getting money, so I haven't been training... -coughcough- I'm pretty sure I won't get to because I've started my SAT classes now. It's terrible.

Last Saturday (January 31st) I woke up at 8:00 A.M. to get ready for my SAT class. It was the first meeting, so we were going to take a Diagnostic Exam. Oh dear, that test took four hours.. and the person who was watching us take the test only gave us a maximum of five minutes for break.. I really hope the SAT isn't like that.. I'd starve! After the exam, I went to Wendy's to grab a bite, and there my mom picked me up.

After that, I went home and relaxed a bit, played a bit of Animal Crossing on my DS and then around 5:30 P.M. I started getting ready for my concert. The concert was pretty fun, Symph. Orchestra made a HUGE mistake though... for a second there, I thought we wouldn't pull it together.. Yeah.. after that, I met up with my friends Robert, Lancing, and Lancing's boyfriend, Andrew. Lancing couldn't come with me and Robert to McDonalds.. I was so sad. I even offered to pay for her and her boyfriend too.. It was nice seeing her again though because we go to different high schools. So, Robert and I went to McDonalds after the concert to grab something to eat, and drink some nice Sweet Iced Tea.. And then he drove me home!

That's about it for my weekend.. It was pretty busy, but in the end, I got through it okay, and I even got to spend some more time with old friends, which makes me extremely happy.

Tomorrow will be my real SAT class, like.. not the test or anything... and I get to go to it straight from swim practice.. and stay there till 9:00 P.M. Joy. It's crazy, I don't think I'll be able to survive that many activities all bunched together.. I'll literally be out of the house for the whole day. If I remember correctly, my mother told me she'd be bringing food for me between the end of my swim practice and the beginning of my SAT class...

Oh yes, I remember telling myself to include a quote in this. It was something I wrote in English class that I really wanted to share because.. I really liked it; at that time anyways.. Ah yes, I found it, here it is: "They regulate our education, but to keep us 'safe' on campus, we are required to wear uniforms. They regulate our self identity and bury it beneath the colors of red, white, and blue--freedom; they do not allow our creativity to take hold. Where is our individuality?" Basically, what we had to do was have two sentences with repetition and a rhetorical question at the end of it. And obviously, the subject was school uniforms.

Anyways, I'm pretty sure I had something else to add, but I guess not. I think when I do I'll blog again, but yeah.. Maybe I'll remember soon.. lest I forget and maybe be distracted from doing my homework. Oh. I remember, and I'm adding it as the second paragraph! Alright, that IS everything now, I hope. Until next time~ Maybe I'll post one up for V-day.. or Single Awareness Day.. Goodness, this is the only day of the year that makes me wish I had a lovey-dovey relationship with someone.. or something like that.

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