Wednesday, January 21, 2009


So, Finals are over. At last. Turns out, I have a B+ in English 3AP and a B+ in Calculus, both of which I am borderline for that B+, so I'm glad that I don't have a B. :<>), and for French 2, I have no clue. I swear, that man needs to get organized before I go crazy and nunchuck him or something. D: I'm feeling extremely bitter because he based my 2nd grading period grade on one test. ONE DAMN TEST. I did all my damn homework, all the classwork, did all the orals.. God. Bitter. Bitter. Bitter. .-. Anyways. I guess we'll just have to see what my grade is for his class when we get our finals graded.

I'm glad finals is over.. but now I must catch up with The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. I hate procrastinating. Have I told you this before? Yeah. The monster of procrastination turned around and bit me in the butt. Again. But I guess that's my fault, yadda, yadda. The least our teacher could do is quickly scan through our work the beginning of every period so that we're actually on track.. he just tells us and collects it at the END. Which you know everybody's scrambling to complete. So I have about.. ~25 chapters to do Dialectical Journals for.. minus 3 of those chapters, for 5 explications.. I also must do the study guide.. which requires some essays to write.. goddammit. I think I just dug myself into another deep ass hole that I cannot get out of for the second semester. Damn.

Well. I guess we won't know until Friday.. I'm going to die.. I know I will.. .-.

In history, we're actually learning about something interesting. The Jazz Age, the 1920s. It's a really favorite time period of mines, when Jazz became popular, Blues.., and the young generation started to speak in slang. We had to do a skit using Jazz Age Vocabulary. It. Was. Hilarious. I tried not to laugh, but the dialogues were so ridiculously funny, there was no way I wasn't going to laugh!

Oh, I bought a pair of earrings on Saturday. I lost an earring yesterday. Now I only have one. I have problems with keeping my earrings on my ears.. I keep losing half a pair and it's ridiculous.. Argh.

For cosplay, I finished the main part of Hino Kahoko's uniform, now all I need to do is start on the sleeves, cuffs, and collar! I also seam-ripped the pleats on the skirt because.. it wasn't sitting very well with me... Yeah.. It was.. hard. I had to seam-rip it, then iron the pleats out, then re-iron in the new pleats.. and.. yeah. Took a long time. Anyways, I hope I finish by the end of February.. I really want to start on Kiki for my Kiki's Delivery Service cosplay. I just love Studio Ghilbi films! My favorite would have to be Howl's Moving Castle and Spirited Away.

I LOVE Spirited Away, the ending just about made me cry.. I wanted Haku to go with Chihiro..!

I'm practicing intensely for my concert which is coming up on the 31st. I honestly don't know why I bother, but for some reason, I've just started to become more motivated to become a better violinist. It may be that I've seen some very ordinary people and they've done some very extraordinary things on their violins.. it makes me really want to achieve that level of technicality and musicality..

Alright, well, enough of my chit-chat. You must be wanting to get back on with your life and not listen to me rant about finals, and homework, and stuff, so I'll break it off here for today. Until next time!

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