Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Fickle Feelings

So, school ended early today, and I could not have been happier! Although, ever since I've gotten home, all I can think of is my YFU application and where it is.. The page won't load.. D: I'm paranoid now.. .-. I'll be back to check it...

Anyways. I went home early today, around one o'clock! My friend Julie came with me so we hung out together. She helped me get started on the shirt of my La Corda D'Oro cosplay. I must admit, without her, I'm completely lost.. :< Sheesh, my best friend is someone I must rely on, always, and it's completely true that I don't know where I'd be without her. .-.

The whole afternoon was spent measuring, drawing, measuring, pinning, drawing, measuring, oh, and did I mention measuring? .-. BUT, even though it was tedious and tiring, Julie was there the entire time, motivating me to work! I actually got a lot of work done, and even managed to finish my skirt for the cosplay. The only thing I need to work on is the shirt, but it's a lot more complicated than it sounds.. Yeah..

My friend Julie seems to have some relationship issues.. This guy she liked a year ago finally decides that he really likes her, but by this time, she's totally crushing on this other guy, who like.. doesn't even notice her.. It makes me kind of mad, I just want him to face her properly, to acknowledge her feelings.. Yeah, and it's this total love triangle thing, but it's not cliche enough to make it into a drama.. Or maybe it is. :> Yeah. I hope Susie makes up his mind soon and notices Julie's feelings.. Or I'll slap him silly.

In other news, I'm going to get a Zune! All in the hopes of getting closer to this guy I like.. We'll call him Joanne for the sake of code names. :D Anyways, yeah, he's really nice and stuff, but I don't know if he even likes me or not because he's a real friendly guy and could be treating me the same as everybody else.. I do have a few things in common though, and it's made me extremely happy that, on some level, we connect. I'm excited for my Zune.. if I do get it.. maybe. Ryan still needs to call me back to tell me if his brother can buy it or not, and so that I can pay him back. :> Yeah..

Well, I've been checking and for some reason, it won't let me load the page with me tracking number on it! I'm extremely upset and paranoid and every other word you can think of for anxious and fidgety, etc. Yeah.

Today was a productive day. Yes, yes it was.. If only I could be as productive as that for my English assignments..

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