Monday, January 12, 2009

The Long Haul

Ah.. that word. That one word that can send just about anyone to tears. That wonderful word that gives students the goosebumps. Well, it's finals week, and as you can tell by how negatively I view the word finals that it's not a wonderful week for me. Finals technically start Wednesday, but I've already started part one of three for my Calculus AB class.. I've got so many classes to study for.. so many of my class grades depend on how well I do on the finals for each class..

I really should be doing English 3AP homework right now, but, being the lazy bum that I am, I'm blogging. That's right. Blogging. Wasting my precious night writing to some strangers that might stumble upon my secret thoughts.. You stalkers. ANYWAYS. Do you guys even realize that sometimes when I type, I go off on tangents? It's like, I might start off talking about finals (-coughcough-), then I'll start talking about blogging, and after I'll go back to talking about finals again.. Like what I'm about to do now. :>

Yeah. Well, finals. The final I'm worried about the most would be my Calculus final, followed by my English 3AP final, then my French final, then my History final, then my Psychology final. Lets see.. did I get all of my classes? Oh. I'm missing one. Chemistry final. I think I would stick that somewhere between French and Psychology.. Well, actually, Chemistry would not be something to stress over, it's the only class I have an A+ in, so I think I can fudge up a little bit and make it out unscathed.. HOWEVER, all my other classes.. oh god. I can't wait for it to be the weekends.. Sure, I'll cry for three hours.. or ten maybe, but then I'll realize finals is over, and I get a clean slate. Or so they say.

Well, my application is now in Maryland. I have no clue where, but I thought I might just throw that in there. Yeah, I'm really excited for my YFU letter to come, if you haven't figured it out by my last.. two or three posts already. It's something that makes me anxious, happy, and sad at the same time! Just the word Japan makes me think of the faraway land of the rising sun. :> Yeah.. April seems so far away.

I just found out today that my mother is laid off. No wonder she was so nice to me when she woke me up on Sunday morning. "Hey Anna, wake up, it's your turn to do laundry. Do you want me to cut your nails for you? How about I clean off that nail polish and repaint it?" And there I was, sitting up in my room, hazy thoughts going through my head thinking Well, she woke up on the right side of the bed this morning, for once. Yeah. Now, I have to figure out something for my insurance part of my application.. I need to send them some kind of updated info because my mom had the employee insurance thing, and now that she no longer works there, we have to buy insurance from my dad's company. It's just a whole big mess.

Oh dear.. I really should go back to doing my English homework.. Speaking of homework, I have to do Socratic Seminar questions for English, a mini-review for French, review questions for History, and I have to study for Calculus.. all within.. two and a half hours. Yeah. I should stop now.. but this is so addicting. :< style="font-weight: bold;">easy to get sidetracked..

Anyways, I'll stop writing now. Once finals is over, expect to hear from a very teary-eyed me, who has just failed all of her classes. Yeah. I'm screwed.

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