Friday, June 5, 2009

And like this.. thing ends, and another begins.

As I've said before, it's kind of hard to wrap my head around the idea that I'll be leaving the country in about five days.. Well.. it's extremely hard. There's no kind of transition for me.. I mean, today will be my last day of school, and then after that, I'll have my SAT IIs tomorrow. I shouldn't even be awake right now.. I should be getting plenty of sleep for my finals, but I guess I just like to screw myself over or something.. Yesterday, I gave my English final speech. It was really great, but I felt like my message didn't really help anybody.. I hope that someone learned something and that my speech got a good score.. Oh yes, well, the only reason I got up to give my speech was because Julie went and gave her speech. It was really inspiring and motivating for me to give my speech after. Ah, I just heart Julie. :3 Her speech gave me the courage to go up to the podium and present.

Well, today is my Calculus final, French final, and History final. Omg, so many big class finals today. I'm freaking out as is because.. yeah.. omg this is going to be so insane. I'm scared that I might not get a good grade on this, etc. etc. Yeah. Gawd. I'm going crazy. I'm worrying so much, but I guess after approximately.. thirteen or fourteen hours, I won't have to worry about a thing.. maybe I should drink some monster or something at school tomorrow.. god.

I still haven't gotten information on my host family, but I'm hoping it will come in soon, I really want to buy gifts for them before I leave, so that I can have something to give them to show them how much I appreciate them for letting me have this wonderful experience. Ugh.. Well, Saturday is SAT IIs and then Sunday is the day I leave to go to SJSU with all the other winners of the Okinawa Peace Prize Scholarship. Monday, we hang at the SJSU campus learning etiquette and stuff.. I think.. and then I wake up early Tuesday morning to head down to San Fransico to catch my flight to Tokyo. As for the rest of my summer, I have no idea. I still haven't gotten packed yet! Ugh, I just know I'm going to forget something..

Anyways, this may or may not be my last blog on here until the end of summer, so just in case, I hope everyone has a wonderful summer, and if you want, you can check out my homestay blog. [Link]

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