Saturday, June 6, 2009

That's it!

Okay, well, seeing as I have about one day left at home.. I might as well blog about my last day at school and.. my last day at home and what I've been doing.

So.. let's start with Friday, shall we? Oh my gosh, the Calculus final.. although it wasn't as bad as I though it would be.. it was still pretty hard! I'm scared that I'm not going to pass that class.. ugh.. God, I really need to step it up next year... Anyways, History final went by pretty well, we performed good, but dang, Economic Trends group did really good, with only three people. Props to them! We got like an 88% on our presentation, and then like, when he graded out portfolio, my grade actually went up a bit, so I'm pretty confident I have an A in History.. I'm not so sure about my other classes though.. Hmm.. Yeah, anyways, I hope that I have good grades in Chem.. I'm so freaking borderline in that class it's scary..

Er yeah. So, my last day at school went by pretty good. Really fast, if I must say so myself. Saturday, I woke up and.. SAT Subject test time... Hurrah. Not really. I woke up really early because, apparently, I had to drive down to James Logan High School because I signed up late for the subject tests, and that was the only test center they had left.. Well, i got there super early, and waited about an hour to get into my test room. I took the Math 2 and the Chem subject tests.. which I think I totally bombed by the way..

After the tests, I went home, ate pho with my parents and then headed to the Great Mall with my mom to buy my host brother something. After that, I came home, and now, here I am, typing up this blog. I just finished pack a while ago, but I have a feeling I'm going to forget something.. I really hope I don't.. I don't think I can just go home to grab something, even though I'll be in San Jose until Tuesday.. Urgh.. well, this is going to be my last post for the summer, for real this time, so hop on over to my home-stay blog! [Link]

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