Monday, May 4, 2009

Don't Fuck with Me

God. I feel like at any moment now, the world is going to cave in around me. My schedule is just so packed this month, I have no clue how I'm going to accomplish ANYTHING at all. My mom sent in the scholarship payment, so right now, all I have to do is go to the bank and exchange some money so I have spending money when I'm over there in Japan. Hopefully, I bring enough--I doubt it-- so that I can buy what I want, but also bring back souvenirs. It's going to be my money anyways. My family is probably going to help out with paying for the cost of the scholarship, but I feel so bad for depending on them for the money. I really want to get a job, so I can quickly pay back my parents. Mostly my mom. I know she's always fussing and nagging about the cost of living being too expensive, and I know what she's implying, but underneath all that, she really does support me. For that, I'm glad.

Today, I got an SAT practice exam from my Chemistry teacher. Instead of taking it, I'm blogging. Ah, the joys of procrastination. Registration for the Subject Tests are over after May 5, and anytime after that there must be a late fee paid to register. I'm hoping I score pretty well on this practice test so that I can sign up and do well on the real thing. Hopefully. I just feel so busy this whole entire week. I feel pressured to do well in school, pressured to do well in swimming.. There's just so much going on.

I took a nap this afternoon. Right afterschool, after checking my e-mail and other sites for updates, I hopped into bed and napped until 7:30. I woke up and then showered and then went to go eat, and now am writing this blog. I feel bad for missing out on sleep. It makes me a crabby person, and feeling angry and tired is not fun. Preferably, I'd like at least eight to ten hours of sleep, but that's probably wishful thinking. The one good thing though, was I fell asleep listening to Dong Bang Shin Ki, specifically, I fell asleep to a verse JaeJoong was singing. Which is even better. Ah, drifting off into wonderland with JaeJoong in my ear, heaven~

Which reminds me of what happened in History class. So, after French, I walked into my History class and sat down. Mr. Marchand announced to us that our group meetings (we needed 10 for our portfolio) counted during class too. Which made him not as much of an asshole for assigning this project. God. And then I had to ask him what would happen because I wasn't going to be present. He told me that.. I'd just have to miss what I miss. Goddammit. That made me paranoid the whole damn period during our group meeting. It doesn't make matters any better, but I've realized that if I divide this project into manageable chunks that even some of my.. less able team members will be able to accomplish this. Afterschool, i had to talk to him about me missing school for a week again.. and then he said he'd have to kill me. Alright, at this point in my head I was screaming and cussing him out, but I just nodded me had and said "Uh.. huh?" After doing that a couple times, he was like.. "I'm just fucking with you. -laughlaugh-" WHAT THE FUCK. YOU DON'T DO THAT TO A STUDENT WHO FUCKING CARES ABOUT HER FUCKING GRADE ENOUGH TO COME FUCKING TALK TO YOU ABOUT IT. God. Marchand. Don't fuck with me. Seriously.

Well, that's about it. I made flash cards for hirigana and katakana, and some kanji. I'm trying to have some kanji down before I leave so that I'm not ill-prepared for the explosion of kanji when I arrive in Japan. All in due time, I'm sure. Aiyeah.

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