Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Lets do the Dishes!

Today, I told my mommy I loved her. Haha, it may seem silly, but I'm truly grateful that she loves me. I pretend not to see it sometimes, but it's hard to ignore it when it's as clear as day. She paid for the remainder of the tuition and she's also stopped bugging me about career choices, etc. I'm so happy that it's been so cool with my parents recently. I know it must be hard for them because this is the first time that I'll be gone for such a long period of time. The longest I've ever been away from home is about a week.. and to have that length multiplied by six.. coming so soon, it must be tough for them. I know that during my exchange, I'll change a lot too, but I don't think I'll ever love my parents less, although I'll have another pair of parents, I'll love them the same, if not more when I return. Ah, this seems like such a sentimental post.

I'm thinking of making an actual calendar with all my due dates and stuff for this month.. It's so busy, it'd help me keep on track, and it'd also give you guys an idea of just how busy May is for me. I'm not just whining about this stuff. I promise. Haha, goodness, instead of doing homework, I'm making a calendar instead.. I'm so bad. The extent of my procrastination.. where will it end?

I blog to procrastinate. I play games to procrastinate (after this, I'm heading over to my bro's room so we can play some Samurai Warriors, LAWL). I listen to music to procrastinate.. ah. So bad. Which reminds me! I had the most awesome dream last night, haha. It was great. So, I received a call from YFU telling me my parents were in a hotel somewhere in Japan. They gave me the address, and off I went, to go stay with them on their short vacation. After arriving at the hotel room.. no one was there! I was disappointed, but opened the door with they key I had gotten from YFU. A few minutes later, my mom calls and tells me my family is coming.. and they magically appear at the door. She tells me everyone is staying in the hotel room, to which I respond, "Mom. You can't. The host family paid for this, it's their money! You need to stay in another room!" After that, my mom, dad, brother, and sister rented another room in the hotel and they disappeared.

So, with my family gone, and me bored, I popped in a movie to watch. Lo and behold, a knock comes at the door! I open it to see.. Who else but DBSK?! Haha, at this point, I was thoroughly enjoying my dream. DBSK in my hotel room? Bring it. They invited themselves in and we started eating dinner. I don't remember why they came.. they must've had a good reason. But anyways, after everyone was done, I gathered the plates on the table, and.. OMG. JaeJoong wrapped his right arm around my shoulder and led me to the sink. <3 Haha, he even gave my shoulder a little squeeze! I washed the dishes with him. I just think that's so adorable! And then after that, we went to the theaters to watch a movie; the same movie I was watching before DBSK had arrived. Wth? XD Yeah. And then I woke up because my cell phone was ringing--Mom was calling me to wake up. That was 6:30. I fell back asleep and woke up at 6:55 to get ready for school.

Well, I must admit, that's the most awesome dream ever, but how likely is it that it'll happen in real life? Probably .000000000000000001%. Like 1 out of a billion chance that it'll happen. Seriously. Haha. I washed dishes with JaeJoong.. and he had his arm around my shoulder.. Ah, I can still imagine it. And for some reason, the hotel room had a kitchen and a dining room and a living room... The kitchen sink reminded me of my home kitchen sink, I think. I was too distracted by JaeJoong to care though. Ah, what else will my mind come up with?

Yeah, I think that's it. Nothing much for today. I gotta get ready for a Calculus AP exam tomorrow morning. Cramming at this point won't help anyways. I hope I do well.. I know I'm going to fail though.. Eff. I may update this post with a calendar of what I'm doing this month. Procrastination at its finest.. what did I tell you? Anyways, till then.

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