Saturday, May 30, 2009

Rant Rant.

Oh dear, oh dear! I haven't blogged in a while have I? Well, I guess I should start with Fanime, which was last weekend, it was one of the highlights of this month. I guess, sorta. Things turned sour near the end, which made me really irritated/angry/frustrated, you name it.

Well, lets start off with Friday, shall we? On Friday, I went to school, like normal, and then, after school, Robert came to pick me up to drive me to Fanime! Yeah. :3 It was really fun. We dropped by my house and I changed into my Misa cosplay, and then we drove to Safeway to buy some apples for the Death Note gathering which was going on that day. After Safeway, we were on our way to Fanime! The driving directions.. well, let's just say, it didn't really help us, because we actually got lost on our way to Fanime. Yeah... Well, once we arrived, we walked around the con for a bit and then we dropped by Akusesu's and Hakuku's booth from dA. I totally idolized the both of them, they're such awesome cosplayers/artists. We met up with Doug and then headed towards the DN gathering, which Robert was late to because he was in line buying a badge... -coughcough- He totally missed the pictures. Yeah, well after that, the three of us walked to McDonalds and ate, after, we headed back, walked around, and at around eight o'clock, we went to watch the L: Change the World Movie. Oh my goodness, the most funniest, scariest, saddest movie ever. I swear! I won't spoil it for anybody, but some parts really made me cry, more so near the end. Uh, yeah, after the movie, which ended at about.. ten-thirty, me and Robert headed home. And that was Friday.

Saturday, woke up early, pincurled my hair all to my head... That took me about a good hour. It was really painfully long.. Then Robert came by and we headed towards a wig shop to buy myself a wig cap. After he came back, I put the wig cap on and put my red wig on. Saturday, I cosplayed as Kahoko Hino from La Corda D'Oro. I also brought my violin and Robert brought his trumpet, though we didn't even duet a lot. Yeah, that was kind of useless.. but I was walking around the con with my violin, and sometimes we would just stop and I would pull it out and play, which was really relaxing for me. Near midday I think, I met up with Lancing and her boyfriend Andrew. Holy dklfja, Lancing was gorgeous! She was cosplaying a girl from Touhou, and even though that girl was a blond.. it really suited her! And her cosplay was really pretty too, I would never be able to make something like that, it takes a lot of dedication on her part for that.. Oh wait, before we met up with Lancing, me, Robert, and Doug went to go eat at McDonalds, and after we headed back, we met up with Lancing, after her Touhou gathering. We walked around the con together and then we went to the Artist's Alley and we took a picture together in one of the Purichinka..(?) machines. It's so awesome because the pictures are stickers, so we can cut them out and stick them to our cellphones/bag/binder/book whatever you want. Yeah. It was really cute and I really liked taking the picture's cause it was really funny to see us try to fit the.. five of us in the picture without blocking everybody. Soon after that, we went to line up for the masquerade and eventually, at six-thirty I think? We were let into the civic auditorium to watch it. It wasn't all that great. Honestly, I think the masquerade the first year I went was the best. But maybe I'm being biased here.. Oh well, after that, me and Robert said our goodbyes and we headed home.

Ah.. Sunday, Sunday, Sunday. Nobody was going Sunday! It was terrible. I didn't know anyone who was going to Fanime on Sunday, which made me really sad! But after I found out Don was going, I headed towards his house so I would get a ride from him. Turns out he was crocheting a heart to give to this girl he had met at the Artist's Alley. He wanted to ask her out to the Black & White Ball later that evening. We planned to take dance classes so that when we got there, we'd know how to dance to at least one thing at the party. So all day, I was in my Kahoko Hino cosplay, once again, with my violin, and we just walked around the con. At one point, we visited Akusesu and Haku, and I told Aku a joke where I could get her to say "No." It was hilarious because she didn't realize when she said it! She just kind of looked at me with a blank expression, and I couldn't help but burst out laughing! At dance lessons, I met really cool dudes, especially a guy named Michael, who was a really easy lead to follow during the East Coast Swing, which was actually a really hard dance because of the weird "rocking" step that you had to do at the end.. anyways. After the East Coast Swing, we stuck around to learn the two-step which was a fancier way of slow dancing. After the lessons, me and Don headed back to his house to shower and get ready for the Black & White Ball. We stopped by my house to grab a dress and appropriate shoes. We got back to Fanime and I headed to the restrooms to change into my dress. Afterwards, we headed to the Black & White Ball, which was being held at the Fairmont Hotel. When we got there, we danced to a couple songs and soon headed back to the con and when we got there, we saw breakdancers! I totally was just mesmerized by those guys! I feel so inspired to start breakdancing, and so I think I want to learn it.. I hope I'll stick to it though. Anyways, Don left half-way through to walk around the con and after about thirty minutes, I went to go look for him. We ended up at the Gong Show, a karaoke contest where the judges get to bash the contestants and the "worst" singer wins. Given it was like ten-thirty when this thing started.. I really needed to get home, but I didn't want to be a spoil sport for Don, but when it got really late, I just HAD to say something. So I did, and we headed back to his house.. uh. Wtf? Please, my dad's getting hella pissed off, it's like twelve-thirty, can you not understand that? Of course I kept this to myself, but the fact that he wouldn't let me go home.. wtf. I came home late and my dad yelled at me.

Monday.. I woke up, got ready for Fanime, called Robert. Guess what he said? Surprise surprise. He's not feeling too well. So what the heck? Who's going to give me a ride to Fanime..? I brave the front and go to my parents room and try to ask my mom to drive me. She sounded like she was, but then all of a sudden, my dad goes berserk on me and tells me that, no, I can't go and that I'd have to stay home. Uh.. to do what? Honestly, after that, I kind of just sat in the living room, crying for about a good hour. WHAT THE FUCK. HONESTLY? ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS? You have no idea how angry I was at Don, at Robert, at myself. Monday is the fucking day where I buy my ticket for next year's Fanime. Monday's the day I actually BUY stuff in the dealer's room because half of the stuff goes on sale on Monday. So I went to my room. Slept until four. The time that I was supposed to get home from Fanime. I check my missed calls and I got some from Doug and Robert. What the fuck. Robert? Are serious? Turns out he went to Fanime. Ugh. Dude. Seriously. That's fucked up. I seriously had some temper issues on Monday, and overall it was a shitty day. What made it even more shittier was the fact that I had to go to my cousin's house for some stupid party. Where I got into a fight with my sister in the car. In which I proceeded to pinch her and she pinched me back. Dude. I seriously just fucking wished I never went to the con with Don on Sunday. I mean.. yeah he's alright and all, but a part of my honestly blames Don for the situation that I was in. Like.. seriously.. And I'm still mad at Don AND Robert.

So, that was basically my Fanime weekend. Turned out terrible in the end. I was supposed to take a picture with Haku on Monday too, but in the end, I didn't get to.. BECAUSE I DIDN'T FUCKING GO ON MONDAY. What the hell. Anyways, Tuesday went to school, Wednesday, went to school, Thursday.. concert night. I went to my concert dressed really nicely and after I , I see Robert coming down to say hi. Uh, so I told myself to act natural even though I was honestly really angry inside. Did just that. Found out at the very end that my mom came to watch me, which was sweet of her. We went to McDonald's after (me and my mom, it's tradition!) and then headed home.

Oh. One thing that really pissed me off during the week. So I got a new laptop last week, and I was bringing it to school on Thursday, and complaining about how windows vista on the laptop seriously sucks. I honestly don't like vista, and even though some of you may argue otherwise, I use the laptop for things other than schoolwork. Seriously. 320 GB and all I'd use it for is schoolwork? You have to be goddamn insane if you think that's all I'm going to be using it for. So, I know that Brandon Tan is like supposed to be really good at computers or something, or he gives off that kind of feeling. He helped Joyce with her computer, and I asked him to help me with mine. He's like, why not? So I ask him a couple things, and I want to get a few things installed. Okay. Vista's honestly a bitch to get used to. Instead, I ask him to take my laptop home to help me install like a couple programs, just to help me out. What does he say? "Oh, no, it's too heavy for me to carry." Dude. What the fuck. I have a freaking messenger back you can sling on your shoulder to carry home. I'm asking you to help me out here, which I never do. I mean, you fucking helped Joyce with her laptop. So, does that mean you'd help if it were any other person? Honestly? What. The. Fuck. This kind of thing just really pisses me off. If it were your bro, or the girl you liked, you would've brought it home in a fucking heart beat, no hesitation there. Goddamit, I hate this. I hate when it feels like nothing's going my way just because I'm me. I can't even control that, and now that this is happening, I seriously have to reconsider what kind of relationships I have with people.

I should probably end this long blog now.. Enough ranting I guess. I also have to wake up early tomorrow to rehearse my History presentation with my group members, and then head towards the mall with Julie. Which reminds me. Why is it that every morning Julie, when you liked Susie, you would deliberately wait for him and try to walk with him to class, but when I like him, you just kind of stall, and wait for Steve, Beany, and Vicky? I.. I just don't know what to say, are you honestly being considerate of my feelings? I don't even know anymore. You're sitting right next to him in class.. even though.. ugh, whatever it'd be to hard to explain my feelings properly right now, because I'm still angry at three fucking people who I honestly think don't deserved to be forgiven for what they've done. There's a lot more than what I've shared here, that's all I know for sure. Why am I even saying this when there are only five school days left for me? I don't know. I do know though, that when I finish that stupid SAT II test on Saturday, all I'm going to be thinking about is Japan. Like, not even thinking about saying my goodbyes. Just rushing off to SJSU and hurrying to start my summer. I know I'm selfish. I know right now, I don't sound like the greatest person in the world, but I'm quite bitter at what's been happening this past week, and I feel that I am justified in feeling this way.

Alright, well, hopefully, next time I post, I'll be more positive, maybe I'll have some more positive things to say. But for now, no. Goddamit. I hate Vista.

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