Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Wrong Class!

So this morning started like every other morning. Except for the fact that I had school. That totally ruined my morning because my brother came into the room yelling at me to wake up, when in truth, I didn't need to wake up until 9 o'clock! Geez. My dad told my brother, my sister, and I that he wouldn't drive us to school at 9, so we all left the house at 7:30 AM to drive to Piedmont Middle School to drop my brother off. Then, it was off to Independence High School for me and my sister.

We got there around 7:50, and my sister had this Freshmen orientation thing to go to, but I was going to Denny's, so I walked to my friend's (Carolyn) house, (which took FOREVER) and it turns out, Vicky and Katherine from the Polo team were already there. We chilled till about 9, and then Carolyn's mom drove us to Denny's. I ate.. a TON of food, I was so full that I could barely finish the rest of my food.. (I got two pancakes, two sausage links, 2 bacon strips, and some hash browns). And then at about.. 10 o'clock we left for school.

First period- Aiyah. Seeing Mr. Ponticelli again was like.. what I needed to really tell me that I was in school. He talked about being late to Orchestra and how it would affect our grade yadayadayada. Normal stuff. He passed out his.. green sheet? And then proceeded to go over stuff concerning people who had cubbies in the room. Mainly, people aren't allowed to put food in there.. and stuff. Yeah okay.

Second period- I finally have Mr. Warren! I had him my Freshman year and he was.. absolutely the BEST english teacher I have ever had, so I walked in and sat with my friend Yun-Yun, and he just talked most of the period. It was really quiet probably because he was really tall.. and I guess he intimidated everyone. Yeah, we went over the course and how the grades are, etc. And then I was off to my Psychology class!

Third and Fourth are basically the same thing, we ran down the green sheet and proceeded to talk about the course and expectations. It's standard first day of school thing..

Fifth period, I walked into the wrong class. I thought I had French 2, but turns out that I had it sixth period! My friend signals me and is like.. "Aren't you in French 2 Anna? This is French 1! What are you doing here?" I hurriedly rushed out the class and like.. RAN to math. XD Aiyah, what an embarrasing situation! That was.. the most exciting and adventurous part of my day..

After school I went to water polo practice, and then after that, I came home and did my French homework. I did a part of my English homework, and now I'm typing up a blog about my day. I just read something that really inspired me to write, so I'm just writing everything I can so that I can get it all down.

Monday, August 25, 2008

School is here.

It's been quite a while since I've updated I guess.. I've been going to Water Polo conditioning, and I must say, it never ceases to leave me sore and tired after practice.. Today we went from 3-5, because it's the last day before school starts, but last week was terrible! from 8-10 and then 3-5.. well, actually, I skipped some practices because those were the boys practices..

Ahh, school's starting tomorrow and it doesn't even feel like it.. it's so strange how the summer passed by so fast.. it's been the same amount of time as all my other summers, but for some reason.. this year it just feels like it's been zooming by.. I wish I could slow time down or something.. I'm becoming a Junior.. it's probably going to be the hardest year I have ever experienced, and somehow I'm not looking forward to it. Probably the only reason I go to school is because I see my friends.. My parents aren't one to let me go places often, so it's the only place to hang out with friends and chill I guess.

I haven't even started on the writing portion of my AP homework.. It's due Sept. 2nd but.. I feel that I really should start now before it all piles up on me.. I haven't even started packing my backpack either.. Hmm.. Well. I guess that's it for now, I'll get back to typing blogs when I feel like I have some free time, but now that school's back, I hardly think I'll have time.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

School, School, School

So, yesterday, I went to school to get my schedule and I.D. taken, I.D. first. I waited in line with my friend Julie, (who I will call Yun-Yun from now on...) for about an hour because her dad was busy. So we were at school at 12 and the actual time it started was 1, so we were bored standing in line and just kind of.. waited. We flagged a couple people down and then lots of other people started coming, and all of a sudden, there was a huge blob.. which was really weird.. and stuffy and crowded.. Our friend Tiffany came about a half hour later and we didn't get into the small gym until about 1:30 despite being one of the first people in line.

After taking my picture I.D. I went to C-Villa(my villa) to pick up my school schedule. I went up to the lady and didn't notice how TRUONG, ROGER was printed right across the top of my card.. God, how embarrassing. So, the lady told me to go back to the small gym to ask them to reprint it. I asked the lady if I could see my schedule anyways and she wouldn't let me.. So I had to walk ALL the way across campus back to the small gym. On the way there Yun-Yun and Tiffany were getting the schedule and it turns out they both have one of the teachers I wanted, and in the same period.. I was only hoping that that teacher would be on my schedule too, when I got it..

The three of us headed back to the small gym to get my card reprinted with the right name. The photographer and lady was really nice about it, and in about.. 2 minutes my card was reprinted with the right name, and picture, and we headed back to C-Villa. The walk made me really anxious... We arrived at the C-Villa office and I came to the window to pick up my schedule and so I got it, and didn't look at it at all.. and showed it to Yun-Yun first.. and from the look on her face, it didn't seem like I got the teacher I wanted so I flipped the paper around and looked at it.. To my disappointment I got another teacher instead.. On Friday my mom will surely go to the office to complain for me, and vouch that I get into this class for English 3 AP.

After that, me and Yun-Yun went to the mall. We got there around.. 3 o'clock maybe? I went to the restroom to change into my Simca costume to walk around the mall. I had that and my hat, at least I didn't go overboard with a pink wig too.. I remember walking into the bathroom and it was totally packed, but after I was done changing I came out (it felt kind of weird..) and no one was around except for Yun-Yun and this other lady drying her hand.. and then these two Mexican ladies come in and call me "Loca" or something. And Yun-Yun told me what they said. I didn't want to cause a scene so instead she and I just left the bathroom.

I'm pretty sure yesterday I got a lot of stares from people because of how I was dressed, but I wanted to go out in cosplay like.. in public at least once to see how it would be like. We walked around the mall till around.. 5 or so and then we were back at the food court. As I was heading towards the bathroom with Yun-Yun, this guy comes up to me and like.. he's all like.. "Hey, excuse me? Are you.. Simca?" And it just felt SO good that someone was brave enough to come up to me and talk to me.. Props to the guy. I nodded my head and smiled and then me and Yun-Yun headed to the bathroom to change. I changed out of the costume and went out and then we went to McDonalds. I got an ice-cream and Yun-Yun got three cookies. While we were in line, I saw the guy again and he was walking out of the food court and I heard him saying something about cosplay.. I wish he and I got to talk some more.. That was the highlight of my mall experience that day, totally eclipsing, AND making me feel better about that lady calling me crazy.

After that, I took the lightrail home with Yun-Yun because she lives really close to one of the stops. So we walked all the way out to the lightrail station and then bought our ticket and then waited for the lightrail to come. We waited about 5 minutes and then in about 2, we were at her stop. Walking to her house took about.. 5 minutes or so and then she had to go eat dinner. I thought it would be awkward to eat dinner with her family, so I opted to stay back in her room and make stars to put into the jar. My mom picked me up at about.. 7 or 8 o'clock and then we went to my mom's old friend's house.

The kids there were amazingly sweet. They complimented me a lot, telling me I was pretty and stuff, and they were just so adorable! I braided their hair and tied it for them 'cause they asked me too.. And then I ate dinner at that house. It was like.. rice with fried fish with soup. It was really yummy. We went home at about.. 11 and the kids were drinking their milking before going to bed, so I hugged them good-bye and went into the car.

In the car I asked my mom about my dad's stories about being in a boat escaping to America, it was really interesting, she told me something about pirates and stuff.. I only mentioned it because earlier in the day, Yun-Yun wanted water and her dad was all like.. "Oh there's a bottle in the back." And then after she drank it, he told her it might've been two months old.. That made me giggle a little bit. And then her dad told her not to complain because when he was escaping to Malaysia (he lived in Vietnam even though he was Chinese) he'd drink pond water every three days because there was no fresh water.. which prompted me to ask about MY parent's stories.

I'll leave my dad's story for another day as this blog is already getting really long. Actually, it took him pretty long to tell it.. about maybe an.. hour? Yeah. Really long.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Olympic Season

So, let me start this blog off with the fact that I am 1. At home. 2. Not at the mall. and 3. Still at home. Alright, I think you get the point.

So, the Olympics! Isn't it exciting? I especially enjoyed the Women's and Men's Gymnastics both in the team competition and the all-arounds. And, boy, Michael Phelps sure is heating up the water cube with his amazing record of eight gold medals.

This past week I've been watching the olympics and I've also been going to Water Polo conditioning. It's fun, I guess, but I am extremely sore, and it sucks to be sore all over, especially when you have sore thighs and you can't really walk. Other than water polo practice I haven't done much of anything. I still need to get started on AP homework or I risk failing the first semester of English 3 AP and Calculus AB.

Yesterday I went to Great America. It was fun, I went with Julie because her brother's company had family appreciation day, so we got in for free, and got a wristband where we could get a free regular sized soda anywhere. We ate lunch at the picnic pavillion and as we were walking out, we saw Avatar Aang, and snagged a picture with him. Julie was especially excited because of how awesome it was to see her favorite cartoon come to life. Seeing the Avatar walking around Great America really inspired me to get started on my Fire Nation Katara cosplay, but seeing how there's less than a week of summer vacation left.. I won't be getting started on it anytime soon.

Great America with Julie was pretty fun. Most of the time we hung out at Boomerang Bay, and we actually went on only one ride, because she couldn't stomach the others. And Invertigo was closed for the day so that kind of sucked too. It was pretty hot yesterday, but it turned out alright. By the end of the day, it was freezing! I couldn't help but shiver while we were waiting for Julie's dad to come pick us up.

That was kind of all the exciting things that happened. Oh. I also finished my Simca of the Swallows cosplay, so all I need now is the black fingerless gloves and pink wig to finish my cosplay off. Hopefully by Halloween I'll have the whole cosplay outfit ready to go. It's pretty warm, so I don't think I'll be cold wearing it..

Alright, well, that's about it. All I have to say now is: Go Team USA.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

School's about to start..

Ah.. I just found a cut on my thumb.. and I don't even know how I got it..

Okay, so as I have suspected, it's been a while since I've updated this blog. However, you, the reader, are not missing out on much. It's been such a dull week except for the last day of work, which was held at Dave and Busters at the Great Mall. After work, which was around.. 12-ish, I walked around the mall with a couple friends and then they ditched me to go watch The Mummy.

I didn't mind, I don't care much for scary movies like that. I called up my best friend Julie and we hung out till around 6-ish and then we went home. That day, I bought stuff that totalled up to about.. Eh, I'd say about fifty bucks. Which is.. not a lot.. but still quite a sum.

That was Friday.

Saturday, I went to the mall again with Julie to watch The Dark Knight. I thought it was good, but everytime Bruce was in his Batman costume his voice would get all husky and really deep it was weird. The Joker gave me quite a scare. After the movie we went around the mall shopping and then we waited for my dad to come pick us up near the theater.

I didn't really do anything on Sunday.. Nothing to mention.

Yesterday, I actually started on my Simca cosplay because my friend Julie came over so we took the fabric I cut and sewed it together, and added a zipper.. and one sleeve. I'm waiting till she comes over again so that we can sew on the other sleeve and the collar. Hopefully, it'll be done by Halloween and I have the wig by then.

That's about it.. Nothing else to say, so I guess I'm done.