Sunday, August 17, 2008

Olympic Season

So, let me start this blog off with the fact that I am 1. At home. 2. Not at the mall. and 3. Still at home. Alright, I think you get the point.

So, the Olympics! Isn't it exciting? I especially enjoyed the Women's and Men's Gymnastics both in the team competition and the all-arounds. And, boy, Michael Phelps sure is heating up the water cube with his amazing record of eight gold medals.

This past week I've been watching the olympics and I've also been going to Water Polo conditioning. It's fun, I guess, but I am extremely sore, and it sucks to be sore all over, especially when you have sore thighs and you can't really walk. Other than water polo practice I haven't done much of anything. I still need to get started on AP homework or I risk failing the first semester of English 3 AP and Calculus AB.

Yesterday I went to Great America. It was fun, I went with Julie because her brother's company had family appreciation day, so we got in for free, and got a wristband where we could get a free regular sized soda anywhere. We ate lunch at the picnic pavillion and as we were walking out, we saw Avatar Aang, and snagged a picture with him. Julie was especially excited because of how awesome it was to see her favorite cartoon come to life. Seeing the Avatar walking around Great America really inspired me to get started on my Fire Nation Katara cosplay, but seeing how there's less than a week of summer vacation left.. I won't be getting started on it anytime soon.

Great America with Julie was pretty fun. Most of the time we hung out at Boomerang Bay, and we actually went on only one ride, because she couldn't stomach the others. And Invertigo was closed for the day so that kind of sucked too. It was pretty hot yesterday, but it turned out alright. By the end of the day, it was freezing! I couldn't help but shiver while we were waiting for Julie's dad to come pick us up.

That was kind of all the exciting things that happened. Oh. I also finished my Simca of the Swallows cosplay, so all I need now is the black fingerless gloves and pink wig to finish my cosplay off. Hopefully by Halloween I'll have the whole cosplay outfit ready to go. It's pretty warm, so I don't think I'll be cold wearing it..

Alright, well, that's about it. All I have to say now is: Go Team USA.

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