Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Wrong Class!

So this morning started like every other morning. Except for the fact that I had school. That totally ruined my morning because my brother came into the room yelling at me to wake up, when in truth, I didn't need to wake up until 9 o'clock! Geez. My dad told my brother, my sister, and I that he wouldn't drive us to school at 9, so we all left the house at 7:30 AM to drive to Piedmont Middle School to drop my brother off. Then, it was off to Independence High School for me and my sister.

We got there around 7:50, and my sister had this Freshmen orientation thing to go to, but I was going to Denny's, so I walked to my friend's (Carolyn) house, (which took FOREVER) and it turns out, Vicky and Katherine from the Polo team were already there. We chilled till about 9, and then Carolyn's mom drove us to Denny's. I ate.. a TON of food, I was so full that I could barely finish the rest of my food.. (I got two pancakes, two sausage links, 2 bacon strips, and some hash browns). And then at about.. 10 o'clock we left for school.

First period- Aiyah. Seeing Mr. Ponticelli again was like.. what I needed to really tell me that I was in school. He talked about being late to Orchestra and how it would affect our grade yadayadayada. Normal stuff. He passed out his.. green sheet? And then proceeded to go over stuff concerning people who had cubbies in the room. Mainly, people aren't allowed to put food in there.. and stuff. Yeah okay.

Second period- I finally have Mr. Warren! I had him my Freshman year and he was.. absolutely the BEST english teacher I have ever had, so I walked in and sat with my friend Yun-Yun, and he just talked most of the period. It was really quiet probably because he was really tall.. and I guess he intimidated everyone. Yeah, we went over the course and how the grades are, etc. And then I was off to my Psychology class!

Third and Fourth are basically the same thing, we ran down the green sheet and proceeded to talk about the course and expectations. It's standard first day of school thing..

Fifth period, I walked into the wrong class. I thought I had French 2, but turns out that I had it sixth period! My friend signals me and is like.. "Aren't you in French 2 Anna? This is French 1! What are you doing here?" I hurriedly rushed out the class and like.. RAN to math. XD Aiyah, what an embarrasing situation! That was.. the most exciting and adventurous part of my day..

After school I went to water polo practice, and then after that, I came home and did my French homework. I did a part of my English homework, and now I'm typing up a blog about my day. I just read something that really inspired me to write, so I'm just writing everything I can so that I can get it all down.

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